Romance Gone Wrong?
Have you ever had your heart ripped out from you? You meet someone wonderful and he is just as you always hope he would be, but you have this lingering feeling that is also too good to be true? I have. It was not that he ripped my heart like in a way of him cheating on me. It was the realization that he is not what he seems to be. I met him a dating website and I have checked him out at according to his email address. He was legit as far as I was concerned so we emailed each other for several days and telling each other how much we mean to each other. So what went wrong? I did a lot more researching then I liked. I went to places like and other websites like that. There I saw what I did not want to see. I even searched him out on Facebook and thought oh no! He is from Ghana (Although I was wrong about that). I did not want to believe he was a scam artist, but what can I do? He writes lik...