More Blog about This or That

Thursday afternoon and I am sitting at my desk playing games on Facebook when I should be doing something else. I look at the modem because I don't trust it. Off and on it disconnects and I am not up to  doing it all over again.  It could be the weather and not  my modem because it is January and not July. Only about 6 months and two days til my birthday( Off the subject) and I will be 45. No big deal. I have been writing stories since I was a young  lady mainly for the purpose of escape and Marge is the best yet!  Marge  was pretty much happy with her life although one could tell  that she was also miserable.  Dressed up as someone not important and not attractive to date, she  types away at her keyboards because writing  makes her happy. She has  one failed marriage and two failed relationships,  and one object of her adoration wants to make her his. He is non other  than Donavan  Tradeau, a French man and  transformer who   lures undesirable ladies into signing a two years contract, but Marge? She is altogether different--She is cynical yet some how she managed to find  herself in his house and on a bed.  What is Marge to do? She looked at the contract and insisted  in not signing up, but she did.
      I feel the same way-- I have been offered a life I had no choice to live. No baby has that choice to say "I want another family" And that baby has to know and trust that her parents wont do her wrong. Unfortunately, in  some families, children  don't have good parents. Some beats  their children while others abuse them or neglect them. They were never asked  to be born yet it is like they are punished as if they were. I can  never imagine life  like that, but I know what it is like to have a father who only feels obligated to raise his children until they are old enough to work and expect them to provide for him. My sister calls it "Psychological Abuse.". So I guess I was abused. You see, he  did not know what it  was like to be a father.  His own father never showed any affection to him at all and didn't think very  highly of his "loner" son. I often believe in a family  that didn't make Jesus the foundation of that family, that the children would grow up to be like their parents. Jesus should have been the foundation but my father was either  worldly or a "Professed" Christian.  He  didn't raise us up the way we should go, my mother did and if it wasn't for her, I would not be where I am  now.  Many years ago, I wanted Jesus to take my life. My life was bad and unhappy, but he never did. Aren't you glad, he didn't?


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