17 Years Later..

It was over 17 yeas ago when I set my foot on the pavement of Washington State. God had sent me out like the spies he sent to investigate their promise land. I was like the 2 spies who came back full of faith saying, "We can do it!"  I was so full of faith and hope and I knew at last I would be free. Free of my father's house, free of my prison known as  Hanford, California! I was finally going to possess the land!
However, I did not have much of a plan. I only had an Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education and my only plan  was to be a teacher's aide somewhere. I figured God will lead me to that job...
It did not turn out as I hope. My aunt had enough of me and told me she has called my father to come and take me home. The same one who said  that I did not give her choice as to whether I will come over or not, gave me no choice either.  I was not without hope. On August One of that year God made a promise and God always keeps his promise so I hold him to it. He said I will return. It was up to him to make good on it.

17 years later after suffering more than I ever had under my father's hand, and after his death,  I still hold onto the promise he made me. You might ask "How will you get there?" But all I can say is by God's mighty hand.


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