
I have been writing stories for awhile  especially since my first book is out and  I hope that people will order Marge. Becoming an author has always been a dream and it has come to pass.  One genre I have always been interested in is Mysteries and I decided to have my own series called  The Serena Madison Files. I have one completed and ready to be submitted but this time I decided to go in search of agents.  After I found one and I copied and pasted chapter 1, I had forgotten to save it on my word proc and therefore as a result I am missing four pages.  I was prepared to send a chapter to another agent when I found that out.  I could never rewrite anything the way it was written in the first place so I decided to see if I copied and pasted it as a note on Facebook. Sure enough I did, but the question is: How many pages are Chapter 1? I sent several pages to Northern Lights  Literary Agency hoping that was Chapter 1. Now I am wondering if I should concentrate one my third story and get that one submitted. I would like to copy and paste the four pages from my notes to my word proc but the Microsoft Office  Word Processor is not working.


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