Serving on Jury Duty is  our civic duty yet it is also  an inconvenience for some.. Some of us have jobs  to go to and so if we go, we don't get paid for that  day. It can also a hardship like it was for me.
I tried to go with a positive attitude at one time, but after suffering through the blaring Tv and sitting in the jury deliberation room, I was no longer positive. I also don't care to sit through the whole selection process although it wasn't so bad yesterday because it was a different judge. The only problem was, I did not get enough sleep and so I was tired.

As I entered the deliberation room, I sat in  chair in the way back. I figured, the farther away from the tv the better. It had worked because as far as I was concern my right ear was still plugged some and so I could hardly hear it. The problem was, there was these two men talking to each other in front of me and that was as bad as the tv going on. I could not wait for the commissioner  to begin. Another thing that turned me off was this man next to me decided to eat peanuts. I had enough of that when my father was alive.  My only prayer was that I would not be called...

I wanted to sleep so bad. I only had  four and a half hours of sleep due to my forgetfulness of the effects of having too much caffeinated drinks. I had some lunch and sweat tea later at McDonald's Tuesday Afternoon.  I should have known better, but I did not.

The next morning, I was tired and I did not know if I could make it through the day.  Instead of going back to bed, I stayed up and prepared to leave for Jury Duty. I ask God that I would not be pick and help me to make it through the drudge. My attitude was not good, but God was merciful. I am not saying, people saw me having one, but I let people know I was tired.

I was so glad when they assigned us to departments and I was able to see an old friend before my group followed the bailiff (who happens to know my old friend). I didn't  get the judge I usually get and I was glad. When we arrived, I sat in the back but it didn't matter.  Within  minutes my name was called and I was assigned to seat 14 (7 twice.)

The trial  was about some unlawfully  possessing a weapon known as metal knuckles. It was two defendants against the state. I sat there thinking I could care less and that if the two were guilty they should stop wasting taxpayers money and confess to the crime. It wasn't going to happen. All I could do was pray. Pray that one of the attorneys would see that I am not alert enough to  sit through a trial for three days and dismissed me. It must have worked because the D.A did.

After dismissing the juror in seat number 7, the one next to me , was moved there, but no soon after he was there,  the other attorney dismissed him and I was moved back there (Seat number 7 that is). No soon after I was moved, the district attorney dismissed me. You can not tell how glad I was when he wanted to dismiss me! I am sure God was at work, helping the D.A to see I was not quite awake.

I left still tired but grateful God answered my prayers even if I  still had to show up, he let me see him at work. Thank you, Jesus!


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