God protect his people

There is so much fear and dread these days and especially from God's people! Why is that? If you read through the Bible you will see the number of times he has kept them safe. Is he any different now  than he was then? He should not be because God is the same yesterday and tomorrow. He never changes!  This is too much talk about  about the sharia law. You know what? God is bigger than that If you read the early chapters of Exodus, you will find out that  God is sovereign-- He can work in the lives of people who does not know him or fear him while at the same time protecting his people! His people were set apart from the Egyptians while he poured out his judgments on Egypt!  The only time he allowed evil to come upon his people is when they forget to obey his voice and go their own way.  Look at the book  of Judges! God had warned them what would happen if they did not heed his voice and  they went with their own plans. It  was written that the younger generation was not taught to walk in his ways. Parents, it is important for you to  raise your children right and tell them  about God!  God loves us and wants the best for us, but if we ignore him and don't heed his voice, we will end  up outside his protection! I do not fear the Sharia Law nor do I fear when people post about  the NWO. Big deal! My life is in God's hands. My life is hid in Christ!


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