
As I was walking, I was angry. I had hoped that Californians had better sense than to vote for Romney but I come to realize that it is the media's fault for blinding them to the truth. Romney is just the same as Obama without the  label. They are both the same side of the coin. It is too bad they chose big government over freedom. When I heard that Ron Paul won in Washington State, I was so proud because I plan to move there. Now I wish I was there. Grant it that Obama or Romney wills till be president where  ever I live, the point is at least I live with the majority of republican voters who voted for a president who is not a Mormon. I was also mad that a few local candidates won. I guess people in my district would rather have someone who  isn't a known Christian.  Sigh. This state makes me sick.
However as I walked, another thought came to my mind. A few years ago Romney lost to McCain and Obama got in. If Romney wins, it would seem to me that it is God's will and I must accept. I can't change anything. Yes, I have prayed for our leaders and our nations, but have you? How many Christians out there actually followed 2 Chronicles7:14? How many people prayed for our nations?  Well the end is near if he becomes the president. It is also near if Obama wins again because when Jesus takes us home, either Mormonism or Islam will be the dominant force in the New World Order and thank God I will not be part of it.
I am still mad though.


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