Why I Want a Second Degree and Why I Need Your Help?

 Have you ever made a decision based on what someone else was going to do? Back in the mid 90's all doors was closed for me to become a teacher's assistance. The rules have changed and applicants had to pass a screening test. Yours truly failed. I didn't even know I took one, but I got the noticed I failed it. I could not even become a teacher's aid in the state of  California. I sought God about this and tried to find work in another state while staying with my aunt, but no one wanted to hire me even there and my aunt grew tired of me and sent me home. So what was I to do? I couldn't find work as a nanny because I didn't have a car (although my former employer didn't have it as a requirement for me).

One day I sought the Lord. I asked him what he wanted me to do and and I felt in my enroll in a four years college and get my B.A Degree in liberal Studies. I already had an A.A degree and I had transferable units, but the college I wanted to go to had problems with my transcripts and there was one left. Fresno Pacific University.

As it turned out, it was about the time I have found that my father had planned on making me work for Kings Rehab. I've seen the people who works for Kings Rehab. Most of them are mentally challenge and I didn't fit that category. Since FPC (Now FPU) accepted me into their college, I announced in front of everyone that I will be attending Fresno Pacific College. My father heard and was not happy. If I did not apply for admission, I would have ended up at an unhappy job. God allowed me to enroll even though I didn't have money for college. The only money that was not a loan that came in was  a scholarship from my church and later from the Alumni Association. Everything else was a loan. I paid the interest every month, but it was adding up. Soon I just ignored it. That's right. My loans ended up in default. Apparently they would only forgive it if I served in the military (as I found out later)

At the time of my exit interview, the director of the education department tried to discourage me from pursuing a teaching career. They had no faith in me whatsoever and I had failed the teacher's test as well. It didn't mean I wasn't called to teach. It just meant that California didn't want me in their school systems.

I didn't want to be in theirs either. My dream or desire was to return to Washington State and teach there, but the way I went at was all wrong and I had relatives I didn't want to live close to so years down the road, as I was writing my series, a new desire in my heart. God gave me the desire to teach in Montana. Not only that, but to marry a rancher. I really didn't know how it would come to pass except by faith.

Last year, as I was walking, I sensed in my spirit that God was saying on my way. I had been thinking about attending online classes from MSU (Montana State University). This would be my link to going there.  Some of the classes I took at FPU was geared towards teaching in California. I needed to learn about Montana and take their required classes. This time, my step of faith was just that. A scripture God had given me was "God chose those who are poor in the world's eyes who are rich in faith." That is where I am coming from.  I took a step of faith by applying for admission. I was accepted.

Now you may say, "Ruthie, didn't you pass the CBEST? How come you haven't gotten the permit?"  When I took the CBEST, I was under the impression that was all I needed to get my permit. I paid a heavy price because I could not get to Fresno in time, I paid to use the computers in Hanford at Brandman University. I already paid 101 dollars to pass it. When I had found out that I would need to pay $150, I said no way! The money that comes from are from my covers I have sold or designed for others. I can't guarantee that I would have money for books for my class (es) so I applied a spiritual concept. Not that I believe in the prosperity preaching about sowing into ministries, but that God would bless my obedience to sow. He would put in my heart much to give and I would give that much. Now, if I took matters into my own hands, it would show lack of faith. "Well, I guess God won't bless me for being obedient to him. Might as well take it out of Paypal and pay for my credentials." I could not do that.

Now I need your help. FAFSA can't help and here is why: 1) I am only taking one class one semester and the next. Why? According to my info on the website, I need 30 units and the last 23 has to be taken on the campus. If I even enrolled enough courses for half time, it would mean that in the spring, I would have to move to Montana. I don't think that would be enough time for God to work it out. The second reason is if I was taking 6 units or more, I would not be eligible because my loans are in default. At this point all they can do is consolidate my loans or put my loans in rehab and a third one I can't remember.  Neither would work. I don;t make money every month where they can take a certain amount out every month for ten months.

I do have the desire to make things right with them, but not by applying for jobs that are not my fit. Just because I have experience in that area, doesn't mean that is my passion. You can't put a square peg in a  round hole


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