Masks and Social Distancing.

Many people accept wearing a mask and social distancing the new normal. Not for me. We need to stop living in fear, stop taking precautions because we have never done that with the swine flu or any kind of flu. Many of my friends are forced to wear a mask to work if they want to keep their jobs and some of us have asthma or other breathing issues. There must be another way! Didn't Paul write that we should not conform to the patterns of this world? Do you see President Trump wearing a mask? And when will people open their eyes? They have allowed those in "position" to control their social movements. They tell me they are doing what it says in Romans 13, but my question is who told them they need to wear a mask? As far as I am concerned that is what the democrats wants. Have you noticed how slow the democratic governors  were to reopening their states and once they do it is with conditions?

I live in California, and unfortunately, the governor is Nancy Pelosi's nephew. He wanted church to open last. He waited until June to allow business to open up again, but with restrictions! Recently, I dined at Black Bear Diner. I was so happy I could eat there again, but I soon realized, that limited to how many people can eat inside and made us wait outside until they call our names.Another new changes was how many people could attend church. No more social activities like Sunday school, potlucks or other activities that involves socializing. They can't even take us to church anymore! 

Let's rewind, shall we? Soon after President Trump was elected, things began to happen: the phony impeachment hearings, then China sent us a virus, and not just us but across the nations. Those in deep state allowed this to happen because they wanted President Trump to look bad. Suddenly, CDC and Dr. Tony Fauci says, people this virus is bad. You must wear a mask  and stay home. President Trump went along because he trusted Tony at that time. Tony's plan was put to action and his plan is the same as Bill Gates: Let's depopulate this earth."
Yet many who have taken the red pill still wears a mask. Businesses still request we practice social distancing yet when the rioters and looters started their protest, they didn't practice either. Doesn't that send a message to you?
I don't know about you, but there is a better new normal coming. I encouraged you to watch this video


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