My Life as a Substitute Teacher.

In all my life, I never thought I would become a substitute teacher. I didn't know I enrolled in a teaching class so I can gain disrespect from students, but it turned out that way. Sure. there were students who liked me as a sub, but when the teacher is away, surely the mice will play? Well, at least try to get away with it. I follow the lesson plan, and they question what I have for them. "Teacher always let us..." or  "She fives us fewer assignments..." and so forth. But I also had good days  when the students work quietly and not question the plan. Maybe familiarity bred contempt. "Oh, it's Miss Derby again." (Miss Derby is my legal last name as opposed to Miss Madison). Maybe they think they can get away with what they want because I lack power with them. Whatever the case may be, I'm coming to the end of myself.

So why am I subbing? I had the education and the degree. All I needed was to finally pass the teacher's exam called CBEST(California Basic Educational Skills Test). If I couldn't have a class of my own, at least I could fill in for the absent teachers. I had some good classes and not so good classes and this current, it has not been so good.

Subbing is not for everyone. It takes someone special to lighten a dark room. Schools are run by the government and the governor had put on stipulations, which creates hardship for anyone who hates wearing masks, including myself. If the light of Christ is not in you, you would just add to the darkness. God called me to be the light for the children and a blessing to the teachers. The third grade teachers at one school had requested me a few times and most often I am much appreciated by the staff of the school. It also takes someone who knows how gain the respect of the students and yet firm but gentle. At times I want to dismiss the level of talking as they do get their work done but if it becomes too much or loud, other teachers would know. If the teacher writes that they should work quietly, they should. It is not an easy task.

This fall would start my fourth year. Last year, school began a little later because of the pandemic. I have hopes that our governor would be remove from office and someone better take his place, but it doesn't make my load lighter. While most teachers, even substitutes have cars, I walk to the bus station and then take another twenty to twenty five minutes to the closest bus stop to the school....BOTH WAYS!
I am ready for another door of employment to open. But it can't be just any door (emails from businesses offering me jobs is not an open door for me) Right now, my heart desire is to help on a ranch, but I need to marry that rancher first. 😉


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