Being Grateful Part 2

My heart continues to have an outpouring of gratitude every day.  Every day,  I am seeing that my dreams are slowly coming to pass. Never in all my life, have I seen God's goodness to me until this year. Although in the past, He has been good, I just have failed to see it.

Over a year ago, Kenneth Copeland received from the Lord the prophecy about this year. He said that 2013 is the year of Great Grace. Normally, I would believe and receive it but it never came to pass for me. Now at this point, some of you may shake your head and stopped reading. You will be thinking, "That is because he is a false teacher." Don't stop reading. God has worked in my life more so this year that I can see, but in ways I have never expected.

For many years, I have asked God to please do something about this bulge in my body. Due to my ignorance, I thought it was just muscles so I asked him to remove it. Meanwhile, I have suffered several medical problems not knowing it was related to one big issue--Fibroid tumor. I didn't know  about this until May.

In February was when it all began. I saw on the resume/job website, a preschool/day care center needing a preschool teacher so I went in faith, hoping I get a job there even though I am not much for working in a preschool. I picked up an application and saw I need to put down my last physical. I thought, "Uh  oh" because I haven't had one in a long while. I decided it was time to get me a physical yet how could I afford one? I did my research and saw a clinic close by was affordable. On March 9, was my first physical.

My doctor examined me and saw the bump on my uterus. (Remember I was ignorant.) She asked me about it and I told her what I thought.  Nevertheless, she wanted to be sure it wasn't serious so she scheduled me for an ultrasound. Two months later, I had one done and the results showed it was a Fibroid Tumor. Can you imagine living 15 years with a tumor that has grown has big as 7 pounds? You guessed it! It was huge! In fact, it was so big  that no wonder a five years old asked me 13 years ago if I was pregnant! (Yet even then it never occurred to me to have it checked.)

That ultrasound was God's way of telling me, "Ruthie, it's not muscle. There is a reason why you had all those symptoms." I have to say I am somewhat relived to know what it was. That meant that the tumor can be removed. The downside of it was since it is so big, I would also have to have my uterus removed as well.
Many people would say to me, "Well, Ruthie, Face it. You are past childbearing age anyways." In the natural, it may look impossible but to God, it is not. There are women in the Bible who were past childbearing age and gave birth to a baby. And I know that if God wants me to have a son or a daughter he can give me a new uterus. Nothing is impossible to God for those who believe and I believe!  You may say, "Ruthie, those women didn't lose their uterus!"  No, but God was the one that knitted and formed me in my mother's womb. He created me. He is the ultimatum physician! And when doctors say it is impossible, God says, it is!" Psalms 113:9 is my verse.

I had my surgery on July 10 2013, just 11 days short on my birthday. That meant I got to recover on my birthday. I was sad at the thought of having no uterus but God reminded em of his promise and he has given me several verses to encourage me not to give up! There is hope for this dry tree!  And as I was recovering I was enjoying having time off from shopping, cooking, etc while my sister did my work for me. I was spoiled for 6 weeks, but I knew it would come to an end. I began praying that God would send me a man who would take care of me. I had done most of the grocery shopping for 9 years and I want out. I took over when I didn't need too and now I can't  get out. Even more so now because my sister has asthma and soon will have her ovary removed because of a a cyst, I have to do more work. I also asked God to send me a man who can cook for me. I wanted him to come from Montana or washington State like Isaac's  servant coming from his land to Haran looking for a bride for his master. Well, once again, God had come through me in ways I didn't expect!

It was just after my pastor preached about being accountable and not isolated, that I asked in a  status on Facebook, "If anything should happen to me, or a crisis happens, who would answer the phone if I call in the middle of the night. A few people  had commented, but one got my attention. At this point, I really didn't think much of him, but a question came to me: Is he the one? I really wasn't looking either. I had the thinking I wouldn't meet him through social media, but apparently I did. I'm glad I did too because through our conversations, I found out that were spiritually compatible. After several days of getting to know each other, Mark and I became best friends, but a couple weeks later, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Mark and I knew that God had put us together. We both have great faith and while he is divorced and I have never been married, we have never been a real godly relationship or marriage. We light up each other's life, but we always thank God for  each other. Although, my initial desire was to marry a rancher if I move to Montana, God had something better-- He wanted Mark to share my dream with me. Mark is willing to take up a new lifestyle with me instead of me having a new lifestyle with an experienced rancher in which I accept.

Mark and I haven't met yet but he has called me a couple of times. We both are waiting on God's timing because that is better. If we decide on a  date without God's blessing, it won't go well. But if we wait on God, it well. His way is best! Here it is December and for the both of us, it is our first Christmas as a couple. We may not be together on Christmas but we know it is better because we have each other.

God has graced me in other ways too and that is having  3 books published in the same year! The month of November was a practically a good month for me. My third book Jesus Paid It All was published and what made that special was my boyfriend was part of it. He was there when I announced the news about it being published, he was there at my Book launch party and in spirit he was there at my book signing for my second book. That is another blessing.

Last year, I had a book signing for my very first but no longer in print book: Marge. I didn't know Mark then, but I am not saying he was the key to my success. But knowing I have someone special in my life, helps. I also had that tumor I didn't know yet. My confidence level wasn't as great then as it is now. Last year I only sold one book. This year, I had six books and sold five! Of course, that may not be have been possible if my two pastors: Angie and Rick, didn't show up first. They really blessed my event! Angie bought a  book from me and Pastor Rick bought one although he doesn't read romance, he would let his wife read it. He also paid for the remaining books so that if anyone can't afford one, they can have one for free.

Another blessing in my life, is having a new friend, but this would not have happened if one of  our church's beloved pastors didn't resign as our associate pastor and move to Hawaii as a senior pastor. He was my Bible study leader in the morning and my class had to join another class in which Sheila Yurkus was a member. I have never met until the second day of the combined class. She just happened to chose the table we normally sit at when we came in to Sunday School. And on that day, she invited us over for dinner on Thanksgiving. A couple weeks later, I added her as friend on Facebook.

One more blessing I don't want to forget and Sheila and I would not be friends if my family didn't join Pastor's Dan's Bible Study. Before July, were attending a sunday school class that was made up of seniors. At first we didn't mind because our friend and neighbor was first a member then a teacher, but when the new season began, another member became the teacher. Let me backtrack. A year ago, we attended a church that my mom have been wanting to go to: Glad Tidings Assembly of God. Since we were new, no one except for one knows us there. When the time of my surgery came, I expected no one from my church to come and see me even though we have been going to GTAOG for less than a year and yes we have been  greeted by a couple of the pastors. Yet before I went into surgery God surprised me with a visit from my associate pastor! I knew that the pastoral staff knew about my surgery but I didn't expect a visit and this showed me that he cared enough not only to visit me, but to pray with me. Because of this I have decided to attend his Bible Study group.

I am so grateful for all God had done in my life. My theme has always been that God will come through for me ALWAYS!  I know he will continue to do so as he see to it that the rest of my heart's desires will be met as long as I delight myself in Him.


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