Did God Really Say?

 We all know the story of Adam and Eve. God told his new family to stay away from that one tree. He strictly warned them that if they didn't they could die. Up to that point, they had no problem doing what he wanted. They had a close relationship with God. I believe they saw him face to face or why had they hid themselves when they realized their nakedness. Or maybe just hearing his voice was good enough for them. Nevertheless, they had it all. 

Have you been there? God blessed you with a good life. You had a great relationship with his Son. You have tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord. What more could you ask for?

In most recent news, believers all over the world had been there, but somewhere along the line, they questioned their salvation. Some even walked away from God. They couldn't stand the pressure.Even after all God had done for them, it wasn't enough. God, are you really there?  I can't say I know the reason for this, but as one of my friends pointed out, it was prophesied in the Bible. The love of many have grown cold. How could God allow this? Or maybe simply they didn't have enough faith. The seed planted in their hearts fell on shallow ground--It didn't take root.

Perhaps, the god of this age had deceived them into thinking they weren't saved. They didn't bear any fruit so they must not be saved. Or they have forgotten the day they asked Jesus into their hearts.Did God really save me?

Adam and Eve had it all until Eve was alone. According to Peter, women are the weaker sex/gender. If the serpent appeared to Adam instead, he would taken authority over that serpent and Satan knew that! That's why he appeared to Eve: convince her how good that fruit is and she will give in. It took four little words of doubt to change her mind.Did God really say?

How many times had that question come to your mind? Satan will use doubt to break our faith with God. He wants us to question God's words so we give up on what He told us. God told them to not eat of the fruit of that tree. Why did they doubt Hos words?

Why do we doubt his words?

I have waited 25 years for God to fulfill his promise to me. It was in the summer of 95. I felt God led me to go to Washington State so I packed up my suitcase and took  a train to stay with my aunt. And it was during the three months that I was there that God planted a seed in my heart.And I let that seed take root. I wanted to make my home in Washington State. Although the destination had change, the desire hadn't. You see, at that time, God hadn't open my mind to another place. I wanted to go to the familiar. My father grew up in Washington, my aunt and cousins lived there so why not? Because it was all I knew. Thank God he changed my destination!

Why Montana?

A new seed was planted in my heart. It started with my love for ranches and ranchers. I read one book and I was hooked. I wrote a book called The Past Hunter and set it in Montana. I researched Montana and found they had ranches there. As I write my series, my desire for Montana grew stronger and stronger. And even though the seed God planted in my heart was for Washington, he changed it to Montana--a land I am unfamiliar with. He had even given me visions or glimpse of my future, but at times, I questioned them.

We live in perilous times.

It seemed obviously that Jesus is coming soon. Everything going in is all part of the end time prophesied in the Bible. Friends on Facebook are excited about it. And me? I feel like Paul when he told the readers that he desired to be with the Lord than on earth, but knew it was better for him to stay on earth. I am torn too. I am tired of all that is going on. It feels like a bad soap opera except that things don't look as if they are getting better, but worse. I said looked like. On the appearance, it does, but that is because we don't see what is going on! How many children have been rescued by human sex trafficking? How many corrupted officials stepped down or fired? We only look with our human eyes and now at what God is doing. I know what he is doing. he is preparing us. If that is the case, then I can kiss my dreams and desires goodbye. Satan had won the battle of my mind by making me doubt that God really said I would go to Montana and marry a rancher. Why hope anymore? Why hold onto false dreams and promises that will never come to pass? 

The Hebrew writer wrote (I'll say Paul) that it is impossible to please God without faith. If I don't hold onto my faith, then I have displeased him. He had given me faith to believe He would fulfill His promise. Paul also wrote that He is faithful to fulfill His word so I will cling to that. I can't give up, not after twenty-five years. Giving up is like saying that God is not able to deliver me. I will not allow Satan to plant doubt in my head. In spite of how much time we have left, I have to believe and not give up. Even if I don't see it fulfill in my life time, at least I can be like the heroes of faith who only saw the promise from afar off.


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