Not By My Peers but My Father.
I am not hurt because kids in school made fun of me. I knew my sister and I didn't fit in-- we were different. It was my mother's desire for us to attend a Christian School and I wondered what my life would be like, if we did. I saw a testimony one night that in a way reminded me of my sister and I. His mother made a decision that affected his and his sibling's life negatively. The Children made fun of because he was fat and ugly (I think he used the word "Ugly"). He said he used to pretend he was invisible. As I watched how his life played out, I wondered how his life would be if his mother thought of her kids and not of herself. My father was the same way. My grandmother grew up in Hanford and so my father wanted us to go to the same high school and schools his mother went to (even the same church). My mother call that Ancestry Worship. My mother's request was denied and we were put into public schools. My sister and I had different types of disabilities:...