Living with Alzheimer
No, I don't have Alzheimer, my mother does. Although for a long time I didn't know this. I believe the disease was there when my father was alive but the disease had lain dormant. Why? I don't know, but the disease triggered in her brain soon after his death. Just recently, my sister told me it began shortly after she stopped going to the senior nutrition center All my life, I had this picture of healthy parents. I thought God would make sure none of my parents would ever have Cancer or Alzheimer. I thought it would never happen to us! I'm sure many people thought that, but our (My sister and my situation sis different. If you disagree feel free to comment below) My sister and I have never had a chance to leave home. I think that it is because I had a mindset that kept me hostage. My sister had her reasons. My father made her an underpaid housekeeper and I went off to college, and going to find work where ever I can only to end up back home. After...