Several months ago, I wanted to do something about my life. I had hopes and dreams and I thought why not get active. I joined a single's group and met people older than me and hardly a man there, but I continued to go. They are wonderful people, but I have found that the main reason why they meet is to discuss the next Saturday's Agenda. I knew I would not fit in. All of them have some sort of income. I do not. I get some money but by the time I tithe buy catfood and bus fare, I also have to save up so it leaves me with nothing. They all have cars. I do not. Although I can easily walk there, I would need a ride during the winter hours because its dark. I never got one single ride which reminds me of the church I used to go. I may drop out all together. I missed the last meeting because I got busy. In December, I wanted to read to children. I thought it would be a great way to connect to them, but hat fizzed out too because of roadbl...